Boost Your Online Presence: The power of clear, benefit-driven web copy

Female business owner working at laptop

Could your website be secretly working against you?

Your website is your digital shopfront, but if your copy hasn’t been updated since the Stone Age 🤣 (or even pre-pandemic), it might be driving your potential clients away faster than my cat (a.k.a. The World’s Worst Intern) knocks over my morning coffee. Fresh, engaging web copy is key to keeping your business at the forefront of your ideal clients minds – and trust me, sprucing up your web copy is easier than you think, especially if you’re worried about losing hours you don’t have. So, how exactly can a few tweaks to your web copy transform the way your audience perceives your brand?

Just before I dive deeper into why updating your web copy is so important as well as sharing some 🔥 tips with you, let me remind you why my insights are the bit of magic you need…

I’m Danyel, the founder of Reign Virtual PA Services. As a London-based VA and copywriter, my mission is to empower business owners like you by providing first-class admin and marketing support. My expertise lies in crafting captivating marketing content for social media, blogs, newsletters, and websites. With over a decade of experience in the admin and creative fields, I’ve had the pleasure of collaborating with health & wellness experts, neurodivergent specialists, coaches, and financial experts.

Enough about me – let’s get back to why you’re really here… 💃

How will updating your web copy make all the difference in how your potential clients perceive your biz?

Think of it like meeting someone for the first time – your web copy is your business’s handshake. It’s your chance to make a strong first impression. So, how can you make sure it’s saying all the right things?

3 simple ways to spruce up your web copy (that won’t eat all your time)

🌟 Keep it clear and concise: Long-winded sentences are the equivalent of bad elevator music – no one wants to listen to it. Strip your copy down to the essentials and make sure it’s easily digestible. Ask yourself: can my clients understand what I do within the first few seconds of landing on my page? If not, it’s time to grab the red pen (figuratively, obvi, unless you’re old school and into stationary as much as I am).

🌟 Highlight benefits over features: Instead of listing out an F-ton of features, focus on how your product or service makes your clients’ lives easier. We all love a good perk, right? Don’t just say, “I provide admin support.” Say, “I’ll handle your admin so you can focus on growing your business (and maybe even sneak in an extra cuppa).” The more relatable you can make your benefits, the better.

🌟 Use a conversational tone: Your website shouldn’t feel like one of Lord Sugar’s boardroom meetings😂🤢. Ditch the stiff, corporate formalities and chat to your audience like they’re sitting down with you for a casual catch-up over a coffee (🍸or something stronger if it’s been that kind of week). The more human and approachable your copy is, the more people will connect with you and your brand. And, let’s be honest, we’re all over the salesy, icky talk, right?

Why did I help a creative agency revamp their copy?

Now, let me give you a little behind-the-scenes insight into one of my recent projects. Mark and Sarah, a husband-and-wife duo who run a fab creative agency, came to me with a bit of an overwhelming situation. Their business is flying high with word-of-mouth referrals, but their website? Stale AF. Considering they work in the creative industry, their online presence was about as inspiring as watching wet paint dry.

So, we started with the basics: completely revamping their web copy to add more personality (and trust me, it was desperately needed) and ensure they were clearly communicating their services. Surprisingly, what they actually do for their clients was M.I.A on their own site😵. Not ideal, right? We’re now on track to help them connect better with their dream clients and showcase their incredible work.

You see, your web copy can be the difference between someone just visiting and someone becoming your next client. So, if you’re feeling like Mark and Sarah, don’t worry – I’ve got your back.

Why should you work with a Copywriter (like yours truly)?

Now, you might be wondering, “Why should I outsource my web copy when I can just update it myself during my breaks?” Well, that’s a valid question, and while I’m all for a DIY project, here’s why teaming up with a copywriter can take your biz to the next level:

🌟 Time saver extraordinaire: Let’s face it – between running a biz, answering emails, and pretending to understand your accounting software, you’ve got enough on your plate right? I can help you get that 🔥 copy sorted so you can focus on what you do best. No more stressing about what to write, just leave it to me.

🌟 Fresh perspective: It’s easy to get so close to your biz that you can’t see the wood for the trees. I bring a fresh perspective and can help you articulate what makes your business stand out – sometimes, all you need is a bit of word wizardry.🧙

🌟 Consistency is key: If your web copy feels like a patchwork quilt of random updates from the past few years, it’s time for a refresh. I’ll make sure your messaging is consistent across all your pages, giving your audience a clear and professional impression (even if the reality behind the scenes is more chaos than calm).

🧐So, when was the last time you gave your web copy a good once-over?

Are there areas you know need updating but you’ve been avoiding? If you’re nodding along right now, it might be time to think about giving it a refresh. 

Let’s have a chat! Get in touch today to book in your free 30 min consultation, and let’s review and assess your current web copy and look into how outsourcing the task of updating it to a pro like moi will help you stay focused on what actually matters in your biz!🦸‍♀️

Ready to make your web copy work harder for you?

You can find out more about me and my offerings here, or contact me here to arrange a free 30 minute chat about your needs. Don’t worry there will be no icky sales talk on my side or intense weekly newsletters after this, it’ll just be a chat about what you’re struggling with and how I could support you going forward.

If you’re not quite ready to send that email, come and connect with me on Insta. I share a lot of useful and informative marketing tips that’ll help you to strengthen your current processes and strategies. I am looking forward to connecting with you and learning more about your brand and biz journey!

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Reign Virtual PA Services | | +44 (0) 7904471004