Surviving Summer: 3 essential marketing strategies for small biz owners

Shot of a young woman using a laptop and going through paperwork while working from home

Ah, summer – the season of sun, fun, and… frantic small biz owners trying to keep the marketing wheels turning while juggling kids, holidays, and a desperate attempt to sneak in some me-time. Sound familiar? If you’re nodding along or shouting Yaaaas, stick around. This one’s for you!

In this article, I’ll share practical tips and strategies to help you maintain your marketing momentum without sacrificing your well-deserved break. Trust me, these insights will save you time, reduce stress, and keep your audience engaged all summer long.

Just before I share the lowdown on how you can stay visible and connected with your audience this summer, let me remind you who I am and why you should care about anything I have to say.

I’m Danyel, founder of Reign Virtual PA Services. As a London-based VA and copywriter, my mission is to empower biz owners like you by providing first-class admin and marketing support. My expertise lies in crafting captivating marketing content for social media, blogs, newsletters, and websites. With over a decade of experience in the admin and creative fields, I have had the pleasure of collaborating with health & wellness experts, neurodivergent specialists, coaches, and financial experts.

Enough about me, let’s get stuck into why you’re really here…

How can you stay visible and connected with your audience this summer?

Balancing your biz and personal life in the summer can feel like trying to sunbathe in a hurricane right? But don’t worry, I’ve got three awesome strategies to help you stay afloat without losing your sanity (or your online presence).

1. Content repurposing

No lie, this’ll make you feel like a lazy genius, haha. Let’s face it, you don’t want to be glued to your laptop or phone when you could be enjoying a BBQ or a pub-garden-bev, do you? So why not make your content work harder for you? Content repurposing is your summer BFF.

According to research by the Content Marketing Institute, apparently repurposed content can increase engagement by up to 76% and generate up to 50% more leads.

Dig into your content archives and unearth those golden nuggets that performed really well. You could transform a high-performing blog into a social media post, a newsletter, or even a reel. Take a past video and repurpose it into a blog, social media update, or newsletter. Better yet, you can even convert these pieces into stories to quickly and effectively capture and sustain your audience’s attention.

Maybe you’re a total powerhouse who hosted a webinar or a course in the past several months? Chop it up into bite-sized tips for your socials. This way your audience gets valuable content, and you get to sip that cocktail a bit longer.

What’s the best piece of content you’ve created that you could repurpose? How can you reimagine it for your summer strategy?

2. Outsourcing

What if I told you, you really can’t do it all and you really shouldn’t have to…

Summer is the perfect time to embrace the art of delegation. You might be a small biz superhero, but even superheroes need a sidekick. Enter outsourcing!

What are the tasks that drain your time and energy? Maybe it’s managing your socials, writing your blogs, or staying consistent with your email marketing. Nowadays, everyone is outsourcing, so someone in your network most likely knows a total superstar VA/Copywriter/Social Media Manager, etc they can recommend to you. Let this superstar take the reins while you enjoy a well-deserved break.

Which tasks are you currently drowning in that could be handed off to someone else? How much more time would you have for yourself if you outsourced at least one of these?

3. Leveraging stories

Let’s be real – nobody has time to curate the perfect grid post while chasing kids around the park or pool, do they? But staying active on socials doesn’t have to be a chore. Say hello to stories!

Use stories to give your audience a behind-the-scenes look at your summer fun. It’s quick, it’s easy, and it keeps you on their radar without the pressure of perfection.

Stuck with wtf to share? You could share short updates, fun polls, or even a “day in the life” series. Engage with your audience through DMs and let them see the human side of your brand. Honestly, we’re all slightly nosey AF and want to know what other people get up to, so stop cringing and start sharing what your people want to see!

How can you use stories to keep your audience engaged this summer? What behind-the-scenes glimpses could you share to build a stronger connection?

Please hear me when I say, you must, must, must keep it consistent!

Consistency is the glue that holds your brand together. Imagine if your fave beverage brand suddenly started branding itself like a tech startup – chaos, right? Same goes for your brand.

Create a brand style guide outlining your tone of voice, key messaging points, and stylistic preferences. This ensures anyone touching your content (e.g a superstar VA like moi) keeps it cohesive. And, schedule your content in advance using one of the many free platforms out there (happy to give recommendations!) A little prep work now means you can enjoy your summer without stressing about what to post next.

What steps can you take today to ensure your brand stays consistent across all platforms? How will this help build trust with your audience?

Ready to enjoy your summer without dropping off grid?

You don’t have to choose between running your biz and enjoying your summer. With a little planning, some strategic outsourcing, and the magic of content repurposing, you can keep your brand active and engaging all summer long.

Are you ready to implement these strategies and take control of your summer marketing? Or do you need a hand staying visible and connected with your audience? 

I’d love to speak to you if you need support, or if you just want to have a chat about how to keep your marketing on point while you enjoy some well-deserved downtime.

You can find out more about me and my offerings here, or contact me here to arrange a free 30 minute chat about your needs. Don’t worry there will be no icky sales talk on my side or intense weekly newsletters after this, it’ll just be a chat about what you’re struggling with and how I could support you going forward.

If you’re not quite ready to send that email, come and connect with me on Insta. I share a lot of useful and informative marketing tips that’ll help you to strengthen your current processes and strategies. I am looking forward to connecting with you and learning more about your brand and biz journey!

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Reign Virtual PA Services | | +44 (0) 7904471004